Your Pro Days Planning Team invites you to our Fall Pro Day on Tuesday, October 8 beginning at Noon Eastern Time/11:00 am Central/ 10:00 am Mountain/ 9:00 am Pacific on Zoom. Get more info & register:
Our Professional Day and Annual Meeting is fast approaching.
We hope you are all registered!
If you’re not, it’s not too late – register here.
Here is a link to the Annual Report, which includes the Annual Meeting Agenda, nominated Board slate, proposed budget for 2024-25, and the schedule for Professional Day.
Don’t Forget about Lunch & Learn
Join us for a 1-hour “Lunch & Learn” on the 4th Weds of each month at 2 pm Eastern on Zoom.
April 24: Using Trello to keep track of rentals
May 22: AUUA Code of Ethics
More details here:
Time to Register for Professional Day 2024
AUUA PROFESSIONAL DAY & ANNUAL MEETING: Thursday, June 13, 2024 via Zoom
Professional Days 2024 will look a little different this year, and we hope it’s a change that’s going to help more administrators attend and help us find more balance in our work. This year, rather than 2 full days of online trainings we are splitting the Professional Days program into two 1-day sessions.
One will be held on June 13 with the theme ADVOCATING FOR OURSELVES. A second Professional Day session will be held in October 2024 (date and theme to be announced).
Register by April 30 to receive a special swag box:
2023 Report of the AUUA President
2023 Report of the AUUA President, Christina Fulton
What an amazing organization the AUUA continues to be! It has been an exciting year to be a member of your Board. I began the year as your Vice President, looking forward to focusing on professional development opportunities for our members. And now here I am, writing the President’s report for our Annual Meeting. Go figure. But what I can say is that I am proud to be the President of this organization and represent all of you each and every day. I have been a member of this organization for nearly 25 years, and I can tell you that respect for administrators and the hard work they do has never been more prevalent in Unitarian Universalism than it is right now. It’s exciting to sit in meetings with other UU religious professionals and have them ask how they can support us. They see the value that each of you provides when you go to work and they all want to see us be successful in our jobs. They feel that way because of you. You each bring the highest level of professionalism to the difficult work of administration, and the world sees that. I see that. It’s what makes me want to serve this organization.
I would like to thank all the volunteers that make the AUUA shine. Volunteering in some way to the AUUA is the best way to turn your colleagues into friends. To get to know other administrators on a deeper level. From the members who meet monthly on your board, to the amazing group who plans Pro-Days, to our amazing Good Officers, to the people that plan professional development opportunities, to the people who run our Soul Matters groups. You all are the biggest treasure that we have. If you want to connect with the AUUA on a whole new level, volunteer. Most of these jobs don’t take that much time, but I promise you will not regret it. The next time we put a call out for volunteers, take a chance on us and say yes!
As you will hear from our Treasurer soon, the AUUA is financially strong. We keep our dues low in order to allow as many administrators as possible to belong. We are stronger when we have all of you with us. We offer many opportunities for financial assistance for membership dues, Pro-Days, General Assembly, and professional development opportunities. We are here for you when you need the assistance of a Good Officer. Our Listserve and FaceBook group are the best instant resource you will ever have. Many of our professional development opportunities are free for members or at a very low cost. If you know of a UU Administrator that is not a member of the AUUA, please encourage them to join us. There is no bigger bang for your buck.
Your Board will be meeting in-person prior to General Assembly in Pittsburgh later this month. It’s the first time we’ve met face-to-face since before the pandemic. We have a full day and a half planned to figure out our plan for the coming year. If there is something you’d like to see the AUUA doing, please be in contact with any of the Board members so we can discuss it at our meeting. We will also have a booth at GA! So if you plan to attend GA, make sure to come visit us at the booth, or better yet, volunteer to spend some time there welcoming visitors!
I look forward to serving you for the next two years, and working with you all to continue to promote excellence in administration.
Christina Fulton, President