UU World LGBT Article

From the AUUA Board

March 8, 2019

As a professional organization within the UUA, we, the Board, on behalf of the members of the Association of Unitarian Universalist Administrators (AUUA), are called to seek the best in our fellow religious professionals, to work to uphold the Unitarian Universalist Principles and to ensure that our colleagues within the organization, those serving as other religious professionals, our congregants, and indeed the world at large, are treated with dignity and respect.  Our own Code of Professional Practices calls us to strive to be models of ethical leadership and to honor our liberal religious imperative to work for social justice.

The events of the past week surrounding the After L, G, and B article in the Spring issue of UU World have raised many challenges for each of our congregations, our denomination and for many of our own administrative professionals.   It is not our place to judge the intentions of the article, but rather to recognize the impact on our peers and on many in our congregations.

Members of the transgender and genderqueer community, including those within the AUUA, are feeling pain, anger and betrayal.   A community that is already marginalized feels excluded, unseen and unheard.   We want our transgender and genderqueer colleagues to know that we have heard them.  We will commit to follow their lead by encouraging members of AUUA to read the TRUUsT (Transgender Religious professional Unitarian Universalists Together) response and their suggestions for how to be better allies.    We recognize the inequalities endured by our transgender and non-binary gender colleagues.   We pledge to do better at recognizing and naming these inequalities and truly working to ensure the inherent worth and dignity of all.