Listserv Guidelines
AUUA members who participate in the “Church-Admin-UU” listserv, agree to these 4 guidelines (available as a downloadable PDF here):
Guideline # 1. Before posting to the Listserv, please consider the following:
- Has your question been answered before? A link to the archives can be found at the bottom of every email on the list, or at
- To hear what other UU congregations are doing, the listserv is a good option. Responses from congregations of similar size and geographic location may be the most relevant to your situation.
- Will your post is be relevant or of interest to other UU administrators?
- Can the information you need be found elsewhere (i.e. a Google search, the UUA website, the AUUA website, or an email to the AUUA Board)?
- Does my question or comment reflect a commitment to professionalism and UU values? Only post something you would want your congregation, supervisor or minister to see. Do not use the listserv to complain about or criticize your congregation, its minister(s) or staff. Seek a trusted colleague or contact an AUUA Board member or Good Officer to privately share such concerns if you need to vent. (Learn more about Listserv and Facebook confidentiality at
Guideline #2. When posting:
- Review the considerations listed above to make sure your post is appropriate and relevant.
- Include a clear subject line.
- Include your name, geographic location, annual budget (if you know it), and membership numbers in your post.
- Keep your post as brief as you can. Posts to the list are limited in size to 500 KB. If your post exceeds this limit, it may be scrubbed/rejected.
Guideline #3. When replying to a string of posts:
- Delete all but the most relevant information from the bottom of the email.
- Change the email address to respond to that individual only (rather than the whole group) if your answer is relevant to just the person who originally posted the message.
- Insert a new subject line (if needed) to identify what you’re responding to.
Guideline #4. Please unsubscribe before setting a vacation or “away” auto-reply on your email account!
How to do that:
- Log in at
- Scroll down to the Mail Delivery
- Select Disabled (to pause delivery while you are away) or Enabled (to turn it back on when you return).
- Click the Submit My Changes button at the bottom of the page.
Listserv Questions & Answers
How do I get access to the Listserv?
The Listserv is for AUUA members only. If you are a member, here’s how you can subscribe to our Listserv:
- Go to
- Enter your email address and name where indicated.
- Pick the password you prefer, and re-enter it where indicated.
- Indicate whether or not you want to receive posts in digest version. (The digest version bundles together several messages. It is based on the size of the email(s), so more than one digest may go out in a day).
- Click the Subscribe
From there, your request will be sent to the AUUA Board. Once they confirm you are a current AUUA member, they will approve your request and give you access to the Listserv.
How do I post to the Listserv?
Send an email to
How do I locate the Listserv archives?
A link to the archives can be found at the bottom of every email on the list, or at
How do I sign up for a digest version of the Listserv?
Sign up for the digest version if you prefer to receive a group of posts rather than each individual post to the list. The digest goes out based on the size of the email(s), so more than one digest may go out in a day. To turn the digest version on or off:
- Log in at
- Scroll down to the Set Digest Mode
- Select Off (to receive individual posts) or On (to receive the digest version).
- Click the Submit My Changes button at the bottom of the page.
How do I pause messages when on vacation?
This is especially important if you set up an auto-reply to notify people you are away!
- Log in at
- Scroll down to the Mail Delivery
- Select Disabled (to pause delivery while you are away) or Enabled (to turn it back on when you return).
- Click the Submit My Changes button at the bottom of the page.
How do I reset my password?
If you’ve forgotten your password, go to (replace “emailaddress” with your email address) and hit the Remind button.
Why am I not receiving referenced attachments?
If you have signed up to receive the digest version, you won’t receive attachments. You may see the message “a non-text attachment was scrubbed…” When that happens, here’s how you can locate the attachment:
- Look for a URL link under that message and click on it.
- That should take you to the listserv archives where you will be asked to enter your user name (email) and password.
- Once you’ve done that, the attachment should download.
Who do I contact with questions or problems with the Listserv?
Reach out to the AUUA Board at